Illustrated Journal Pages


I am an observer. My bookshelves are filled with handmade illustrated journals. Drawings of trees, landscapes, botanical subjects, horses, cats, and figures are among my visual obsessions. I carry these journals with me everywhere, recording impressions and writing about my travels and everyday life. They are a rich source material of images that reoccur in my mixed media prints drawings, and paintings.

In the illustrated journal series, I combine hand colored heliogravure (etchings in the sun) and

blind embossing (etched metal plates cut to shape with a jeweler’s saw). Each is composed like a two-page book layout with my Italic calligraphy from selected passages in my journals.

To see more, follow me on Instagram

Florence Journal / Giornale à Firenze

Corciano Journal

Umbrian Journal / Giornale d’Umbria

Perugia Journal / Giornale à Perugia

One-of-a-Kind Illustrated Journals